Professionally Vacuum .. Tasks … Procedures .. Standard
By Anne Thompson, President HCA
Professionally Vacuum .. Tasks … Procedures .. Standard
By Anne Thompson, President HCA
By Theresa Peterson
Peterson’s Maid To Order
House cleaning is as old as the original man. Even the cavemen did rudimentary cleaning of their caves, as they soon found that the remnants of food and feces left around the cave attracted animals of all kinds into their shelters.
If you have sufficient funds to buy a house cleaning franchise or start a company, and you are in the evaluation process, then this article is for you.
The names have been changed, but these are true stories based on real situations for persons interested in starting or scaling a house cleaning company:
Janet owns a house cleaning company with 6 employees. Since she started the company three years ago, she has been talking about implementing a formal training program. In July, the House Cleaning Alliance introduced to all members free training for all professional cleaning employees. Janet knows about the option, but has decided not to implement it because she can’t be certain her employees will stick with her.
I spent my career managing large distribution centers for Fortune 500 companies and came to a point in life that I wanted to start a business. To prepare I took an intensive ten week class, covering all aspects of starting and owning a business with a strong emphasis on finance.
So, you’re moving out. Does cleaning your house or apartment feel like an insurmountable task? Are you worried that your deposit may be forfeited?
It is easy to get your full deposit back if you have a plan and spread the work out over ten days before you move out. Believe it or not, the landlord is anxious to return the deposit to you. Why? Because the unit will be available for immediate re-rental. He’s thrilled to not have to hire someone to do the cleaning.
Web-based marketing has worked wonders for Denver Concierge, founding member of the House Cleaning Alliance. The company still has a commitment for a large display ad in the phone book for a couple more months. But once that is over, it will discontinue the phone book ad and begin applying its entire advertising budget to fund web-based marketing.
Anne Thompson
No matter the endeavor in life there’s going to be bumps. Some are just mild irritations and others just take your breath away. You don’t have to look too far to see that everyone gets them. For some, these challenges throw them in the corner and melt them down. For others, that proverbial silver lining is found in the cloud and they move onward and upward.
By Anne Thompson, President HCA
Cleaning philosophy states that there are three types of cleaning solutions:
Those guys running the national franchises shouldn’t be underestimated. They are sitting on a pile of numbers accumulated at the grass roots from a multitude of small businesses scattered throughout the country, all of which they control. That could represent a pretty significant advantage when it comes to marketing. Aside from that, they collect marketing ideas from their franchisees, so they can continuously refine their brochures. Granted, with respect to imagination, there may be some adverse selection issues among their typical franchisees, but still, controlling a system for collecting ideas must be useful.